
Speed movie
Speed movie

speed movie

The Making Of documentary pointed this out.

speed movie

  • Likewise, the bus somehow manages to jump an unfinished bridge, despite the fact that there was nothing that could actually launch it.
  • Somehow this imparts enough momentum to send the car up the back of the truck and launch it through the air.
  • The bus side-swipes a car on the shoulder, which is being loaded onto a tow truck.

  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: The monitors in Payne's hideout has multiple TV news feeds, the camera onboard the bus, and.a football game, which at one point he diverts his attention to entirely.

  • Are You Sure You Can Drive This Thing?: Annie, who had recently lost her license for speeding.
  • When Ortiz and the others find and successfully rescue him, Annie's first words to Jack are, "You are a complete jerk, you know that?"
  • Anger Born of Worry: After Jack's attempt to disarm the bus fails and his cart goes under the wheels, everyone aboard is scared he's been killed.
  • Action Survivor: Annie, and most of the surviving bus passengers.
  • Jack asks the owner if his car is insured, to which he answers in the affirmative, whereupon Jack brake-checks the bus with the door open, breaking the door off.
  • Action Insurance Gag: Jack needs to get onto the bus, and, having commandeered a car, he decides to jump from the car to the bus, but the car's door is in the way.
  • A Speed 3 also exists.as a Father Ted episode with the bomb being on a milkfloat. Also has a lesser-known sequel, Speed 2: Cruise Control (1997), which again starred Sandra Bullock (this time in the primary role), and was widely panned for being very derivative of the original (re: bomb, vehicle, frazzled brunette, attractive love interest, etc.). Noted for being very tense (Jack has to first board the bus before he can warn the passengers, which nearly causes the very explosion he's attempting to prevent), its sharp, witty dialogue (written in large part by an uncredited Joss Whedon), and patently ridiculous yet exciting plot points and setpieces (at one point, the bus jumps a 50-foot gap in the road) which all helped contribute to its reputation as one of the best action films of the '90s.

    Speed movie